Supporting You with Accountability Check-ins

A pink neon sign that says "You're doing great."

I decided to include a full year of accountability support in my New Year’s Explorations coaching program. Why? Because it’s so dang helpful! For many people, having accountability is key to meeting goals and establishing habits. 

So many of us thrive when we have a trusted accountability buddy; someone who will check in periodically, ask how things are going, celebrate progress, offer encouragement, and touch base on obstacles and potential adjustments. Just knowing that someone will be checking in can help you stay focused and motivated. 

My New Year’s Explorations coaching program includes accountability support between our sessions as well as monthly check-ins throughout the year. I will touch base with you (via text or email) in between our coaching sessions to answer questions, and see how your homework is coming along. Once we’ve completed our 4 sessions together, I’ll text/email once a month, through December 2023, to ask how your goals are coming along and offer virtual high fives.

If you fear that you’ll be “behind” when I check in, or feel embarrassed about your progress, please know that my approach is non-judgmental and gentle. I don’t even think “behind” is a meaningful measure of a goal. Instead, we’ll look at where you are, where you want to be, and what’s getting in the way. It’s much more productive to get curious about where you want to take a goal than to shame you for not being further along.

You may find that you want more in-depth support later in the year. For anyone wanting to go deeper than a text exchange, I’m offering a Follow-up Package, which includes 3 sessions for $180 (the same discounted rate as the New Year’s Explorations package.) This is designed to give you quarterly personalized support for your goals. Other options (always available) include doing a general coaching package or a one-off coaching session with me.

Follow-up Package sessions can be used in a variety of ways. You could explore obstacles to a goal that you still really want to meet. Or perhaps your life has changed quite a bit since you first set the goals, and you’d like to update them to better align. Maybe you’re ready for phase 2 of your 2023 resolutions, and want to flush them out together. You could also use these sessions for topics unrelated to goals or resolutions. As always, my approach is client-led, and we’ll work on your top priorities and concerns.  

Whether you use my accountability buddy services as a chance to celebrate together, as inspiration to regroup, or as an opportunity to dive deeper into obstacles, I’m honored to partner with you on your goal-achieving journey.   

I’m still enrolling clients in my New Year’s Explorations coaching program. Book a Free Introductory Session to find out if it’s a good fit for you. 


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