Spring Cleaning, Self-Compassion, and Small Steps towards what matters most.

April 7 - April 24 - Join the Facebook group

What Do YOU Want to Make Space For?

Spring Cleaning sounds so innocent and refreshing, right? For many of us, it can be rife with struggle, shame, embarrassment, and frustration.

But it doesn’t have to be…

Imagine starting with “What do I want to make space for?”

By bringing your focus to what truly matters to you, you open up to fresh perspectives. You invite yourself to consider how your environment can support and enhance your life in meaningful ways.

When you apply this curiosity to the practicalities of home care, you can make progress in your space while staying true to your intentions. By taking tiny steps forward, you gain valuable experience without succumbing to overwhelm, building confidence that you can create spaces that align with your unique vision.

The Making Space for ME Two Week Tiny Goal Challenge provides an opportunity to try out this approach in a supportive, self-compassion-centric environment. All are welcome! Join the Facebook group here.

Want to try out the Two Week Tiny Goal Challenge and make space for YOU?

Tailored Tiny Goals Add-on

Enhance your Two Week Tiny Goal challenge with personalized, one-on-one coaching and check-ins directly from me.

  • Three 20-minute coaching sessions: Establish your tiny goal, review progress midway, and wrap up with discussion on next steps.

  • Check-ins from me 3 times a week. Benefit from gentle accountability, support, and the opportunity to ask questions.

  • Text access from me: Reach out whenever you need guidance, encouragement, or want to celebrate your progress.

Tailored Tiny Goals Add-on will run 4/7/24 - 4/24/24, concurrent with the Making Space for ME Two Week Tiny Goal Challenge. The cost is $80.

To sign up, just send me a message to let me know and we’ll take it from there.

Want Personalized Support?

While the Two Week Tiny Goal Challenge offers a supportive group environment at no cost, you may want one-on-one support that’s customized to you and your tiny goal.

Ease the Overwhelm Monthly Coaching Program

For ongoing support beyond the challenge, consider my regular coaching program, which includes two 50-minute sessions per month, weekly text check-ins, and ongoing text access. Visit my Services page for more details.


What’s a tiny goal?

A bite-sized action that generates momentum for a habit change, an objective, or even a wildly ambitious goal.

What’s the Tiny Goal Challenge?

A “don’t break the chain” style challenge where you choose a goal, make it tiny, then commit to doing it every day during the challenge.

Who are tiny goals good for?

Lots of people! Trying the Tiny Goal Challenge is a great idea if…

  • You aren’t sure where to start.

  • You feel overwhelmed.

  • You’re craving momentum.

  • You’ve gotten discouraged about not completing goals in the past.

  • You’re short on time.

  • You want a win!

  • You want to try a self-compassionate, gentle approach to personal development.

How does the Tiny Goal Challenge work?

The challenge takes place in a private Facebook group (you can join it here) with daily check-ins, supportive encouragement, and informative, encouraging posts. You set a tiny goal of your choosing, check in daily, get support, and encourage others.

Why the focus on spring cleaning?

To begin with, spring cleaning is one of those things where many of us want to make changes to our homes, but we end up procrastinating or just not knowing where to get started. Taking action through tiny goals is a great way to get the momentum going.

Beyond the practical progress, home care - caring for our spaces and our things - provides an opportunity to gently explore self-compassion, intentionality, and mindset. It’s an opportunity to notice and question social norms, determine what matters to you, and discover approaches that work, uniquely, for you.

How much does it cost?

The Two Week Tiny Goal Challenge is free! Participating in the group, getting the daily check-ins, getting information, support - no cost.

If you’d like personalized, one-on-one support, I’m offering an add-on program, Tailored Tiny Goals.

Can I get one-on-one coaching?

Absolutely! While I'll be actively engaged in the group during the challenge, if you're looking for more personalized support, I’m offering Tailored Tiny Goals, an add-on to the Two Week Challenge. This includes three 20-minute one-on-one coaching sessions, check-ins from me three times per week, and text access whenever you need assistance or have questions. The cost is $80.